Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kid free day and $1 Albums

Today was a good day:) My husband took the kids over to my inlaws around 2:30 and gave me the rest of the day to work on my crafts for the craft fair. It was so nice to have the house all to myself! A friend of mine came over for a couple hours to work on some things too. I did get a good amount of stuff done so I am very happy about that.

I found these little albums in the Target dollar spot. I figured I could try to cover them and turn them into cute little albums to sell at the craft fair. I used my DCWV Nana's Kids paper to cover them and I am pretty happy with the end result. They were pretty easy to do so I will be making 4 more.

1 comment:

Erika H. said...

That album is so adorable. Good luck at the craft sale. You and Donna will have a blast!